Here lies the truth .

Here lies the truth.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Beginnings 2012

New Beginnings 2012
"Arise and Shine Forth"
January 8th @ 5:00pm

Young Women's Assignments:
Tie the colored ribbon onto each item.
Faith:                                                 Water Bottle
                        The Living Waters of Jesus Christ

Divine Nature:                     Flashlight                             
                        We are the Light of Jesus Christ

Individual Worth:               Bag of  Gold
                        We are of Great Value to Jesus Christ, He purchased us with his blood.

Knowledge:                           Picture of the Scriptures
                        Know and Flollow the Life of Jesus Christ

Choice and Accountability: CTR ring
                        Choose the Right as Jesus would.           

Good Works:                         Young Woman's Tortch
                        Serving others as Jesus Christ would through Personal Progress

Integrity                                Picture of a Knight in Armor
                        Put on the armor of Jesus Christ

Virtue:                                 Youth Standards Pamphlet
                        Now prove to Jesus Christ that he can trust you to do his work by living by        
                        the standards he gave us.
Piano and back-up in case a girl can't make it. Help the parents be quiet and reverent. Also in charge of the lights and running the CD Players.

Chorister,  pick the opening song.

Conducting and explain to the parents what their girls are doing while they on the stage in the dark, waiting for their daughters. Also pick the opening and closing prayer (to be printed on the program).

Outline of Events


We will all meet in the Chapel. Aubree will announce the song and prayer (Aubree will choose someone for the prayer and Chrissy with Jenna will choose the song). Following the Prayer Aubree will announce the parents that will be spotlighting their daughters. After the spotlights, Aubree will ask the new girls to exit through the south door  with Sister Erb and the Parents to exit through the north door with her. All others will go to their places.

Lehi's Dream

Aubree and Jenna will lead the parents to the stage. Be sure to ask them to remain quiet and reverent while they wait. Jenna will turn on some soft music while Aubree explains to the parents what their girls are doing. Lights are to remain off except for the Christmas tree and the flashlights that will be passed out. Any fruit that we want to cut up last can be prepared while the girls go through (Bonnie and Jenny).

While the parents wait, Mindie will explain the following to the new girls in the foyer:

"The theme for this year is arise and shine forth, I see the light shinning in your young eyes. That light comes from the Lord, and as you radiate that light, it will bless you as well as many others."

"We desire this kind of light and strength for you whether in school, at home, and in your personal relationships. Yet, how many of us are this confident? It takes strength to "arise" when everyone else insists on "sitting down" when it comes to choices of integrity. It takes courage to "shine forth" when all is darkening around us."

"Lehi's vision is quite appropriate for our day. In 1st Nephi 8:26-30 we read........."

"It takes gumption to cling to the iron rod while others taunt. It takes courage to stand for that which others scorn. In fact, in Lehi's dream we read of those who even reached the Tree of Life, yet later fell away. Why? Because of those who cackled and laughed at that which is good. The socially elevated in their pompous buildings of  power and prestige."

"Where will you find the strength and courage to "arise and shine forth"? Well, one way is through the Young Woman's Program......."

"You are now about to enter Lehi's dream one at a time. I advise you to hold on to the iron rod. Along the path you will find eight tools to help you on your adventure. Place your tool into this bag and then move on to the next. Please keep the spirit with you by remaining reverent and try to see the symbols for what they represent."

When I get the word that you are all ready I will send through the first girl. The others will follow five minutes apart. The first girl is given her bag and the end of the silver yarn (the iron rod) which she will follow it into the dark cultural hall to the first table and then the second and so on. The Young Women assigned to each value will have a flash light. Keep it off until you hear the new girl arrive at your table. Turn it on when they get there and introduce them to your value, give them their tool, and explain what it represents. Try to remain reverent so that the spirit will stay with us all.

The "iron rod" will lead them through the cultural hall and up the stairs to the "Tree of Life" where they are met by their parents and leaders. Everyone will quietly wait until the last girl reaches the tree of life. Tiffany will congratulate them on making it to the tree of life and will announce that we can all partake of the fruit of the tree (refreshments of fruit, cheese, crackers, and water bottles that will be relabeled to say "the living waters of Christ").


The lights to the Cultural Hall will be turned back on (Jenna) and we will sit at the tables to eat our refreshments.  When everyone is done partaking of the tree of life, Aubree will announce the closing remarks by Tiffany (pass out CD's), and then the Bishop. Jenna will turn the lights off again. Then Aubree will invite all the girls to arise (stand up) turn on their flashlights (shine forth) and recite the Young Woman's Motto. Every girl will shine their light onto the poster. The closing song will be played on the CD player by Jenna ("Arise and Shine Forth"). We will all quietly listen to the song. Then Aubree will announce who is saying the closing prayer.

Clean up

Everyone chip in so that it gets done quickly.

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